Practice for Determining Life’s Path

Practice for Determining Life’s Path

What is shraddha

One of the most basic human needs is to feel that there is meaning and purpose in our lives. In order to understand what that meaning is, you must first understand what motivates you to act, who you are. The Bhagavad-Gita says that a person is what his “shraddha” is. This word is usually translated as “faith. However, what is meant here is not faith in the classical sense of the word, but rather faith in oneself.

You know what shraddha is because you experience it. Your shraddha is what defines you. It is reflected in your values. It is what defines your sense of self, your character. And your character, or nature, determines your destiny. It shapes how you perceive the world, how you live in it and what motivates you. And when those values are not taken into account, your reaction can be very violent.

These situations give yogis the opportunity to practice mindfulness. You can learn a lot by observing those people, actions and situations that are your triggers. They manifest what is important to you.

This determines what you most aspire to-and what you aspire to reveals what you most value.

What is dharma

Your values point to your dharma. Dharma is your purpose and meaning in life and it is directly connected to shraddha. It is not necessarily what you do for a living but it is inevitably present in your life in some way. The more you live according to your dharma, the more satisfied you feel.

Meditation on Determining Your Dharma: 4 Steps

  1. Ask yourself three questions.
    What are my beliefs?
    What am I passionate about?
    What are my greatest strengths?
  2. Take notes.
    As you reflect, write down not only the answers to the questions, but also the emotions that come over you.
  3. Analyze your answers.
    Try to find something in common, a common theme. And then answer the final question, “When, where, and how often do I live up to my answers?”
  4. Write down your “dharma statement.”
    Put your answers together and write a statement. This is a kind of filter through which you can pass situations or conflicts. If something passes through the filter, then there is a possibility that it fits your shraddha and is part of your dharma. If not, perhaps it is time to change your direction.
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